Black Orchid Betta Fish: Care Guide and More

- Origin & Habitat of Black Orchid Betta
- Appearance of Black Orchid Betta
- Behaviour of Black Orchid Betta
- Lifespan of Black Orchid Betta
- Diet of Black Orchid Betta
- Tank Requirements for Black Orchid Betta
- Water Types for Black Orchid Betta
- Compatibility of Black Orchid Betta
- Breeding of Black Orchid Betta
- Diseases and Treatment of Black Orchid Betta
- Summary
Black Orchid Betta fish is the most desired and highly sought after species, that has grabbed the attention of many aquarists all over the world. It becomes really confusing for the fish keepers to decide which one to keep when it comes to Betta fish. With dark-coloured fins and crown-like tail, Black Orchid Betta stands out of all and satisfies the demand of any hobbyist.
As you aim to enhance the beauty of your aquarium with these flawless beauties, you will certainly need proper guidance on how to keep them hale and hearty. Here, we present you with an all-inclusive care guide that has all the aspects to satisfy your need of enhancing your knowledge. Let’s dive into it!
Key Specifications of Black Orchid Betta
The intricate details of your fish are the most important thing you need to focus on. Once you get to know the information about them, you will certainly not find yourself in a whirlpool, while learning about their guide.
Scientific Name | Betta splendens |
Origin | Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia |
Lifespan | 3-5 years |
Colours | Black Colour with the iridescence of red and steel blue striping over fins |
Temperament | Aggressive |
Size | 3 inches |
Diet | Carnivorous |
Family | Osphronemidae (Gourami Family) |
Compatibility | Mostly single or sometimes with peaceful shoals |
Tank Size | 10 Gallons |
Care Level | Moderate |
Belonging to the Osphronemidae Family and having the scientific name of Betta splendens, these fishes are extremely exotic to look at. Being a bold choice for every aquarist, Black Orchid Betta is best kept with other shoaling fishes that are peaceful in nature. Since they are aggressive, keeping them with any other territorial species would result in an unnecessary fight.
These fishes are hardy in nature and as is understood from their scientific name, they are really beautiful warriors. Though not profoundly found in pet stores, these are however not that rare or expensive. Gradual export to Singapore and European countries has made this species extremely popular apart from their native places.
Origin and Habitat of Black Orchid Betta
These Siamese Fighting Fishes originate in the South Eastern regions of Asia. They are native to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Laos. In Thailand, they are available in the Mekong and Phraya River Basins.
These members of the Gourami Family happily inhabit the drainage ditches, within stagnant waters of rice and paddy fields, flood plains and slow-moving water streams. These fishes prefer to live within shallow waters and marshes, where they get a varied environment to adjust themselves.
These fishes prefer plantations in their dwelling areas. As they inhabit the shallow water ranges, they get a very low oxygen supply in those areas. This is why they are called labyrinth fishes. This organ helps them to inhale oxygen from the air at the moment when their gills do not get a chance to take oxygen from water.
Appearance of Black Orchid Betta
Black Orchid Betta is extremely pretty to look at and they possess an amazingly designed tail. Black Orchid Betta is popular when it comes to a mixture of Crown Tail and Black Orchid. There is a long spike-like extension. The size of this extensive spike could reach up to 2-3 times longer than the body.
There is basically no problem in distinguishing males and females as male fishes display a dignified look with brighter colours and extravagant designs of fins.
The colour of the Black Orchids is extremely attractive, and the beautiful black colouration makes them stand out from others. The black colour is present in their body and fins, along with the iridescent steel blue colour that creates streaks throughout the scales. Amazing to look at, these fins create a butterfly wing-like pattern.
It is truly a wonder, that these Orchids possess a reddish tinge that develops a unique look.
A Black Orchid Betta is almost 2.5-3 inches in size. Generally, it varies from 1-2.5, however, the size reaches 3 inches mainly when the spiky fins mature into fully-grown fins.
Behaviour of Black Orchid Betta
Male Black Orchids are considered to be very aggressive in nature and they become territorial when it comes to staying with their own species. In fact, they do not prefer any vibrant-coloured fish, as they get disturbed by the vividness of colour.
Using their labyrinth organ, the Bettas try to get fresh oxygen from the air directly. If you see your Black Orchid is coming up to the surface and opening its mouth very frequently, don’t get panic-stricken. They are just performing their regular job to keep themselves healthy.
Their aggressiveness becomes extremely severe and they can kill other fishes too. Moreover, you must not keep the male Black Orchid Betta fishes with the females except during breeding season, as the former tries to chase the latter and irritate them. However, these female Betta fishes also keep on changing their behaviour, where they react differently when they are kept with other females in a new environment.
Lifespan of Black Orchid Betta
The lifespan of these fishes is 3-5 years. Though, with intense care and proper diet, they can exceed their normal lifespan.
Diet of Black Orchid Betta
Betta fish is carnivorous in nature and they thrive on different types of meaty proteins in the wild. Their feedables include insects, larvae, smaller fishes and different types of worms. Similarly, when in captivity, you can surely add all of these foods to their diet.
Their diet also consists of live and frozen food, as they provide nutrients to them. While providing them with different flakes and pellet foods, you need to give them an additional supplement. However, under captive conditions, they can be provided with a herbivorous diet sometimes, which might include some vegetation. Make sure all the foods you are providing them with, are consumed within 2-3 minutes. Once you feed them with extra food, they will readily plunge on that and then with gradual overfeeding they will bloat and face an untimely death.
Remember to give them enough varied foods as the variation in diet brings out their best colour and keeps them healthy.
Tank Requirements for Black Orchid Betta
An aquarium or a proper tank is of pivotal importance for your fishes as every fish demands a separate parameter to thrive within a homely captive condition. Designing and decorating a Betta tank properly is very important since there are many requirements to follow. In order to satisfy all the parameters, you need to consider all the factors stated below.
Tank Size
The minimum tank size required for this Betta is 10 gallons. However, this tank size is feasible for just one Betta fish and in case you want to keep a group of peaceful fishes, then you must opt for a bigger tank. This is of particular importance, since these fishes are very defensive in nature, and in a smaller space, they become aggressive.
Tank Lid
These small critters are very fast jumpers and they are notable for jumping out of the tank at play or even while fighting. This is why they are known as the Siamese Fighting Fish. You need to put a tank lid tightly fitted over your aquarium. This hood will protect your fish from getting hurt.
That apart, a proper lid will prevent any dirt or foreign elements from getting accumulated within the tank water. This will keep your fish safe.
For keeping your Betta safely within the tank, spread sand on the bottom of the tank. Substrates will help to put in proper plants within the tank. They have fine fins, so avoid using any edged substrate material.
These fishes love to swim in slow-flowing water. There must not be a free flow, however, not also stagnant. Filtration of water is very important since a proper filter helps to eliminate food and waste. A proper filter must be put just beside a heater, which will eventually help warm water circulation. In case the filter is not used then nitrate and nitrogen level might increase and hence the water can become polluted.
These fishes like to hide out and play, thus going into caves and crevices. You can mimic those structures in the tank.
Presence of Flora
The plantation is very important for these fishes, as in the wild, they prefer to dwell in streams where there is ample presence of live plants. In order to keep them happy and satisfied, you can include some hand-picked plants for your designed Betta tank. They enjoy resting over the plants, hence, try keeping Anubias and Java Fern. These plants have broad leaves and can satisfy the needs of these fishes.
These fishes prefer lightened up areas. So, if you choose bright lights, that would help these fishes to get the feeling of their natural habitat as they dwell in the upper regions of the shallow water bodies.
Cleaning Method
The cleaning of the tank is very important. There are various ways through which you can clean the tank, even without using bleach or soap. These materials leave a residue that turns out to be harmful to the residents inside the tank.
You can use a soft cloth and clean the sidewalls of the tank. Remember, the growth of algae can be detrimental and hence it is better to remove algae. Proper cleaning of water includes changing of water weekly. Pathogens develop in a low condition of the tank water.
Water Types for Black Orchid Betta
Keeping the water level and all the parameters up to the required level is very crucial.
These fishes prefer somehow warm water and it is best accustomed to the temperature range of 23.8- 26.67 Degrees Celsius. The fishes need a proper temperature, for which you can certainly use different types of good thermometers for your tank. Using these tools help you to get the reading of the warmth of your tank water; an important factor for Betta.
pH Level
The pH level must be maintained at 6.0-8.0, which says they need slightly acidic water. For maintaining the water parameters, you can use a test kit.
The general hardness of the water must be maintained at 5-35 dGH.
Compatibility of Black Orchid Betta
Compatibility is a bit tough for these fishes as they are boisterous and they possess a high temperament. In that situation, finding proper tank mates becomes a little challenging for them. Keeping other active fishes will surely bring a disaster to your aquarium. There can be unwanted activities among fishes like fin nipping, poking and nudging each other and all these are harmful to the flowy fins of the Black Orchid Bettas.
It is always advisable for beginners that you keep a single Black Orchid to avoid any hassle.
Suitable Tank Mates
Though it is hard, still not impossible to find the accurate tank mates for your precious beauties. You can add some inhabitants of the lower regions and peaceful species that would not come in the ways of the Bettas.
Unsuitable Tank Mates
As we have already discussed, these fishes are not at all calm and they have long fins, you must avoid keeping any similarly aggressive and disturbing species.
Breeding of Black Orchid Betta
Breeding your Betta fish is not easy and you need to concentrate completely on the process if you want to pet a few fries of your Bettas. As keeping female Bettas with the males is unsafe, in that case, you can take the preparation a few weeks ago and introduce one female at the tank. Help them to get cosy and let them understand they are safe.
Once done with the initial process, then gradually feed them with nutrient-rich foods and continue this for some weeks and 2-4 times a day. The most important process of their mating is making bubble nests, which they do continuously without getting tired. After the mating process is done, remove the female in another tank once breeding is completed along with the males, as they don’t reveal any parental instinct towards hatchlings. They might eat away a few babies.
Once they complete the mating process, the male will take all eggs within the bubble nest for keeping them safe. Till the eggs hatch, the father secures their safety.
Diseases and Treatment of Black Orchid Betta
These fishes require proper feeding and accurate tank parameters for thriving at their best. However, you can take precautions but cannot completely deny that your fish will not catch diseases. They might be affected by different common freshwater diseases like Ich and fin rot, where they get white spots and damaged fins due to nipping respectively.
You can cure these diseases and make your fish fit and fine again if you follow the proper instructions of a veterinarian. Provide them with proper medications from time to time.
To conclude, Black Orchid Betta is one of the best choices for your aquarium. You can prepare the required composition within the tank and enhance the aesthetic by keeping a black beauty. Be a beginner or a veteran, enjoy fishkeeping by following important guides.
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