14 Suitable Betta Fish Tankmates – Things to Know about Them

- Kuhli Loach
- Corydoras Catfish
- Bristlenose Pleco
- Harlequin Rasbora
- Neon Tetra
- Ember Tetra
- White Cloud Mountain Minnows
- Clown Pleco
- Short Fin Molly Fish
- Feeder Guppy
- African Dwarf Frog
- Zebra Snails
- Ghost Shrimp
- Mystery Snail
- Compatibility of Betta Fish
- Suitable Plants as Betta Fish Tankmates
- Unsuitable Betta Fish Tankmates
You all have heard about Betta fish as it is one of the oldest and common fish breeds found in freshwater but while selecting it for your tank, have you ever thought about its housing process or suitable Betta Fish tankmates? Probably not! Now let us tell you, it is not very easy to choose Betta Fish tank mates without understanding its behavior and actual nature.
Housing a Betta with wrong tankmates can be dangerous for other companions because of its feisty temperament, as it is aggressive sometimes and sometimes it is peaceful. So, if you really don’t want to see bloodshed then create a peaceful ambience by finding exact companions for your furious swimmer-buddy. Bettas are always comfortable with fish breeds of the same size and same nature. Hence, finding suitable tankmates for this fish is one of the important tasks in setting a Betta tank.
Best Tankmates for Betta Fish
Bettas live peacefully while dwelling in the wild and they rarely show their aggression except in the season of breeding. However, they cannot adjust with wrong tankmates which are large and furious in nature in captivity. This type of behavior of Betta reminds us of another name of this species – ‘Siamese Fighting Fish’.
Expert fishkeepers say Betta Fish sometimes defends for its own territory and fight with other community for protecting its family members.
Usually, Bettas become stressful in an unfamiliar environment, so it is your responsibility to make a proper ambience for your pet fish by selecting the right tankmates for them which can make them feel comfortable. Betta Fish can live alone because it prefers isolation, but some tankmates can be the perfect companions of your pet Betta such as:
Kuhli Loach

- Temperament: Peaceful
- Care Level: Easy
- Compatibility Rank with Betta: 10/10
- Size: 4.5” (11.43 cm)
- Water Temperature Requirement: 75-85 °F (23-29 °C)
Along with the unique and cool appearance, Kuhli Loach can be a good friend of your adorable pet Betta fish. Moreover, this peaceful eel-shaped fish is also a great tank cleaner. The size of this fish is 3” (7.62 cm) which is a little bit similar to a medium-sized Betta fish that is 2.5” (6.35 cm). So, it can be one of the reasons to keep them together.
Also, Kuhli is a slow-moving calm-natured fish which prefers living at the bottom of the tank and gives huge space to Betta fish. All these characteristics are enough to make friendship between Bettas and Kuhli Loaches.
Now if you are planning to pet a Kuhli Loach then you should try to set its tank properly. Keep peaceful fish breeds with it, check the water temperature and keep smooth gravel substrate at the bottom of the tank for this bottom-dwelling species so that the sharp-edged stones do not cause injury to them.
Corydoras Catfish

- Temperament: Peaceful
- Care Level: Easy
- Compatibility Rank with Betta: 10/10
- Size: 2.5” (6.35 cm)
- Water Temperature Requirement: 72-78 °F (22.22-25.55°C)
This fish is famous by another name, ‘Cory Cats’. Aquarists say Corydoras Catfish ranks #1 among community fish for its social behavior and passive nature. Hence, it can be one of the best Betta fish tankmates. Moreover, Corydoras can live with different types of water species, so you can keep it in any type of aquarium. Its size is 2.5” (6.35 cm) that is exactly same as Betta fish, which makes it an ideal tank mate.
If you want to pet this fish then go ahead because it is a very hardy and adjustable fish which makes it beginner-friendly. Just check the water temperature and other tank requirements before keeping Corydoras Catfish in your aquarium.
Bristlenose Pleco

- Temperament: Peaceful
- Care Level: Easy
- Compatibility Rank with Betta: 10/10
- Size: 6” (15.24 cm)
- Water Temperature Requirement: 70-79 °F (21-26 °C)
Bristlenose Pleco can be a perfect tankmate for Betta fish because of its peaceful and less active nature. This shy fish is a bottom dweller and it prefers living at the bottom of the tank. Hence, Plecos do not disturb any fish because it usually lives at the bottom of the aquarium, which makes it an ideal friend of your pet Betta.
Bristlenose Pleco is not only a good companion but it also keeps a fish tank clean by consuming algae and the waste elements of the fish home.
Harlequin Rasbora

- Temperament: Peaceful
- Care Level: Easy
- Compatibility Rank with Betta: 9/10
- Size: 2” (5.08 cm)
- Water Temperature Requirement: 72-80 °F (22.22-26.66 °C)
Not only in captivity, but Betta fish enjoys the company of Harlequin Rasbora in the wild also because of the generous and calm nature of Rasboras. This fish can also be a great companion of every fish in a community tank of office and home because it is very calm.
Rasbora is a schooling fish, so you can keep it with its group and with Bettas because it is socially active. It is very easy to take care of Harlequin Rasbora because it is not a picky eater and it is a hardy species. But remember, it is an active swimmer, so sometimes too many Rasboras in a Betta tank can lead fighting because both Rasbora and Betta are active swimmers, and fight can be the reason of less space. So, don’t overcrowd their tank.
Neon Tetra

- Temperament: Peaceful
- Care Level: Easy
- Compatibility Rank with Betta: 9/10
- Size: 1.5” (3.81 cm)
- Water Temperature Requirement: 69-79 °F (20.55-26.11)
Neon Tetra is a common beginner-friendly little species that is active, spunky, friendly and easy to care. This nature makes it familiar to aquarists and other species like Betta fish and other peaceful fish of small sizes.
When it comes to the aggressive mood of Betta, sometimes Neon Tetra can easily escape from it because Tetras are fast swimmers, and they have camouflaging ability to save itself during fights. Try to keep small or juvenile Betta fish with Neon Tetra for safety.
Ember Tetra

- Temperament: Peaceful
- Care Level: Easy
- Compatibility Rank with Betta: 10/10
- Size: 1” (2.54 cm)
- Water Temperature Requirement: 75-82 °F (23.88-27.77 °C)
This little adorable fish can really add color and brightness to any type of fish tank. Although its size is very small, still it can live comfortably with Betta Fish because of its friendly, calm, hardy, adaptable, active and social behavior.
If you are planning to keep Ember Tetra in your aquarium then look after its dietary requirements because this is one of the smallest species that cannot digest every type of foods, so feed them crushed or liquid foods.
White Cloud Mountain Minnows

- Temperament: Peaceful
- Care Level: Easy
- Compatibility Rank with Betta: 8/10
- Size: 2” (5.08 cm)
- Water Temperature Requirement: 45-75 °F (7.22-23.88 °C)
This fish is rarely available and most of the fish enthusiasts like this rare species for their tank because of its vibrant shades and patterns. Minnows are so hardy fish that it can live in the temperature below 45 °F (7.22 °C).
White Cloud Minnows are such a generous breed which never harms any fish by nipping their fins. Therefore, it is perfect for Betta fish, as it has long fins and it needs much space to swim. Minnows can adjust themselves with Betta fish because they do not need much space to swim. So, they can be the perfect tankmates for Betta fish.
Clown Pleco

- Temperament: Peaceful
- Care Level: Moderate
- Compatibility Rank with Betta: 9/10
- Size: 4” (10.16 cm)
- Water Temperature Requirement: 73-82 °F (22.22-27.77 °C)
Like other fish of Pleco family, Clown Plecos are good tankmates for Betta fish because it is a bottom dweller and it prefers living at the bottom part of the tank and doesn’t come in contact with Betta Fish. It’s less active behavior, small size and passive nature make it an ideal companion for a Betta tank.
Short Fin Molly Fish

- Temperament: Peaceful
- Care Level: Easy
- Compatibility Rank with Betta: 10/10
- Size: 6-8” (15.24-20.32 cm)
- Water Temperature Requirement: 70-82 °F (21.11-27.77 °C)
Mollies are hardy, adjustable, undemanding and peaceful fish for a freshwater aquarium. Although it is bigger than Betta fish, if you keep Short Fin Mollies with Bettas then there will be no issue overcrowding. Moreover, Molly fish is neither an aggressive breed nor a fin nipper, so there is no problem in keeping Molly and Betta together.
This fish is also ideal for your tank because you will get this species in several colors which can bring ecstasy in your pet fish world.
Feeder Guppy

- Temperament: Peaceful
- Care Level: Easy
- Compatibility Rank with Betta: 10/10
- Size: 6.5-8.5” (16.51-21.59 cm)
- Water Temperature Requirement: 65-80 °F (18.33-26.66 °C)
This tiny and peaceful fish has small fins, so it does not harm Betta fish by nipping its fins. Guppies can be an ideal betta fish tankmate because it is smaller in size and can adjust in different types of environment.
Fishkeepers do not need to balance special tank addition to accommodate Feeder Guppies. It is so calm that your pet Betta would not be disturbed by this species.
African Dwarf Frog

- Temperament: Peaceful
- Care Level: Easy
- Compatibility Rank with Betta: 7/10
- Size: 3” (7.62 cm)
- Water Temperature Requirement: 72-82 °F (22.22-27.77 °C)
Not only fish but nowadays, aquarists also prefers in petting non-fish pets in their aquarium to bring variety in their small aquatic world. African Dwarf Frogs are easy to care and docile species. These frogs only eat small insects, bugs, shrimps and warms, so they can also be a Betta fish tankmate. The peaceful nature of the frog makes it an ideal friend of every fish including Betta.
Zebra Snails

- Temperament: Peaceful
- Care Level: Easy
- Compatibility Rank with Betta: 8/10
- Size: 1” (2.54 cm)
- Water Temperature Requirement: 70-80 °F (21.11-26.66 °C)
If you planning to bring variety in your tank then you can also add new aquatic species like Zebra Snails in the Betta fish tank. It is quite interesting to watch a new member in a fish home, so many hobbyists like adding snails in their aquarium.
Zebra Snails like consuming algae so they can be a good tank cleaner and it will be beneficial to keep this peaceful algae eater in your Betta Tank. Moreover, it doesn’t reproduce uncontrollably like other snails which often leads to overcrowding a tank.
Ghost Shrimp

- Temperament: Peaceful
- Care Level: Easy
- Compatibility Rank with Betta: 9/10
- Size: 2” (5.08 cm)
- Water Temperature Requirement: 68-85 °F (20-29.44 °C)
Another name of Ghost Shrimp is Glass Shrimp which can be a good Betta fish tank mate because it lives at the bottom part of the tank and this inactive species does not disturb other fish breeds including Betta Fish. So, you can keep this crustacean in your aquatic family.
Ghost Shrimp also pick up the foods left by the fish. But don’t keep aggressive fish like Cichlids and Sharks with Ghost Shrimp, otherwise, they will be the food of these predators.
Mystery Snail

- Temperament: Peaceful
- Care Level: Easy
- Compatibility Rank with Betta: 10/10
- Size: 2” (5.08 cm)
- Water Temperature Requirement: 68-82 °F (20-27.77 cm)
Mystery Snails have the hardest shells compared to other snails, so no predators can harm them. Moreover, this species is so calm that it just stays inactive at the bottom of the tank and never disturbs a Betta fish. So, it can be a good companion of Betta.
Snails are both algae eater and scavenger, so they help in maintaining the hygiene of the tank and also eat up the food residues or waste products. Therefore, it will be beneficial in keeping Mystery Snail as a Betta fish tankmate.
Compatibility of Betta Fish
We have discussed a lot about other breeds that are suitable Betta Fish tankmates but many fishkeepers don’t know the compatibility between their own community in terms of sex. So, let us discuss that thing.
Male to Male Compatibility
Most of the Bettas prefer living isolated in a tank because they are not friendly in nature. However, they can adjust with the aforesaid aquatic species. While talking about male to male compatibility in the same group, they cannot adjust with each other. If you keep two males together then bloodsheds and fights will be the result. So, never keep two male Betta fish together.
Male to Female Compatibility
Male and female bettas can be kept together when you are encouraging breeding. Usually, male Bettas are not aggressive with female Bettas, but they are aggressive while mating.
Female to Female Compatibility
Female Bettas are adjustable to each other and they don’t feel any problem in dwelling together, as females are not aggressive. Even a sorority of five female Betta fish is also a good combination for a Betta tank because females can be better companions than the males.
Suitable Plants for Betta Fish Tank

Along with other aquatic species, don’t you think that your pet Betta fish needs some green tankmates in its house that will give them a feeling of the natural environment? So, why don’t you keep some live plants as Betta fish tankmates?
Plants can be their good companion, hiding place and their leaves can be the best place to lay eggs. Also, aquatic plants can act as a natural filter in absorbing unwanted chemicals and providing lots of oxygen to your pet fish. Let’s check the benefits of keeping some freshwater plants which can be the suitable tankmates of Betta Fish.
- Java Fern: These plants help in filtering the water of the tank naturally and in keeping it fresh for your pet Betta so that it lives comfortably.
- Java Moss: You can keep this beautiful plant for decoration and for maintaining the greenery of the tank. Moreover, Betta fish likes to hide behind this dense plant.
- Hornwort: Hornwort is a good ornamental plant and it has a high level of oxygen which can help your Betta in breathing well.
- Marimo Moss Balls: These balls help in keeping the water clean and absorbing ammonia from the water of the fish tank.
- Amazon Frogbit: Betta fish likes to dwell in the shadowy area, so this floating plant helps in creating a shadow at the surface of the water.
- Anacharis: Anacharis are long floating plants that cover the wall of the aquarium with the help of its floating leaves. Betta fish like this plant because it keeps the tank water cool.
Unsuitable Betta Fish Tankmates
You should also know which species should be avoided to keep in a Betta tank because keeping wrong tankmates with Betta fish may be the reason for high conflict. Especially, fin nippers can nip the beautiful large fins of Betta fish. Also, avoid keeping aggressive and large predator fish which can harm your pet Betta fish. Avoid keeping these following species with Betta:
- Gourami
- Rainbow Shark
- Cichlid
- Tiger Barb
- Silver Arowana
Now if you are planning to set a community tank in your office or home and are looking for Betta fish tankmates then we hope the above ideas may help you in finding the correct companion for your Betta.
Know More about Betta Fish
If Betta fish is your favorite pet fish then why don’t you gather some more information for breeding this species? We hope the following topics will help you acquire more ideas.
- Lifespan of Betta Fish: Betta fish has a very short lifespan, so learn how to increase the livelihood of your favorite Betta by reading this article.
- Betta Fish food: Every fish has some special food requirements, so try to know what is the dietary need of your pet Betta.